
I couldn’t tell you one of her songs or anything about her, but she does appear to be one of a kind.    There are probably a lot of imitators, but she seems to be the originator.  It’s quite a niche she created.  We’ll see how long that lasts.

So what does that have to do with hiring a lawyer in Illinois?  The answer is that if you can find a one of a kind or niche attorney, it gives you the best chance of getting a good result.  For example, if you are a doctor or real estate agent that needs to defend charges against your license with the Illinois Department of Professional Regulations, it’s important to know that there are very few lawyers that have real experience with those cases.

Many attorneys would gladly take on your case, but they wouldn’t have the real track record that you want.  There are probably 2-3 attorneys in all of Illinois that make IDPR defense their sole focus.  The same holds true for loan modifications, social security disability appeals and asbestos cases.

Even in more common areas like divorce, criminal defense or personal injury a niche lawyer is what you should look for.  In other words, if you are fighting over the value of a business with a spouse, you should get an attorney who has handled hundreds of similar cases.  If you have felony criminal sexual abuse charges, you better hire a lawyer that has successfully handled those cases.  And if you have a catastrophic injury from a plane crash or trucking accident, there are really only a handful of firms that give you the best chance of a great result as demonstrated by their past success.

Many lawyers would love to handle all of the cases I described, but if you want what is best for you then one of a kind is clearly what you should be looking for.   So before you hire an attorney ask yourself; am I getting Lady Gaga or an immitator?

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