Tetraplegia is paralysis of the torso and limbs. It varies in severity and can be the result of an accident or illness. A Tetraplegia lawsuit may come about if the condition was caused, or even partially caused, by someone’s negligence. Most instances of Tetraplegia require significant medical care that lasts throughout a person’s life. An injured person can sue for compensation for this and other financial loss.
Some causes of Tetraplegia include birth injuries, sports injuries, automobile accidents, work injuries, congenital disorders such as muscular dystrophy or multiple sclerosis, and some serious diseases that involve damage to the spinal cord. When a disease is involved, delayed diagnosis can be a contributing factor. If your healthcare provider failed to diagnose an illness when they should have, and their error allowed the condition to worsen and cause permanent harm, it would be a medical malpractice lawsuit.
If you or a loved one have been affected by Tetraplegia, you know that it changes many aspects of a person’s life. It significantly affects the entire family. Caring for someone with Tetraplegia is time-consuming and expensive. Not only is the injured person unable to work, but their spouse, partner or parent may not be able work as much as they used to because they have to take on the role of caretaker. If the injured family member was once the main wage earner, it can be a struggle to make ends meet. A personal injury lawsuit includes a demand for these losses, as well.
A Tetraplegia lawsuit might be against a healthcare provider, a property owner, a manufacturer, a motorist, etc. If the injury was caused by a defective product, then a products liability lawsuit is an option. If injury is caused by a work accident, then a workers’ compensation claim or a third-party lawsuit might be an option. Damages include the losses mentioned above (medical bills and lost wages), as well as payment for future medical costs and often compensation for pain and suffering.
If you have a case as serious as a Tetraplegia lawsuit, we recommend hiring an attorney who has handled similar cases before and done so successfully. Please contact us if you have further questions about whether a Tetraplegia injury lawsuit might be a good course of action.
Written by Michael Helfand