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No one is going to look out for your child like you do, but when you send them to play at a friend’s house, you at least expect that they will be kept safe. When the unthinkable happens and you get a call that your child has been seriously hurt, your first concern is making sure they get the medical attention they need. When the dust settles, you might be wondering if you can hold the other parents responsible if negligence was involved in your child’s injury. After all, you might be facing huge medical bills and permanent disability.

You can sue on behalf of your child for any damages that were caused by the injury, such as medical bills and other financial loss, and even pain and suffering. The value of a case depends a lot on the ongoing treatment needed and whether there is any permanent harm. These cases might be covered by the other party’s homeowner’s insurance.

Whether the other parents or caregivers were legally responsible for the injury depends on what they knew about the thing that hurt your child. If they knew or should have known that your child was in danger and could get hurt, then you might have a case worth pursuing. An aggressive dog, a weapon within child’s reach, an unattended swimming pool or any other dangerous condition in the home or on the property could lead to liability.

These situations are made more complicated by the fact that you know the responsible party personally. You may even be close friends. However, recovering money to pay for your child’s necessary medical care and potential future care is essential. A fall with a potential brain injury could require that your child receive lifetime medical care and support. An experienced injury attorney can help you take the first steps. Again, it might be a claim against the other party’s insurance policy.

Injury attorneys handle these cases on a contingency basis, which means that you don’t have to pay any lawyer fees until your case is over and only if you win. If you don’t win your case, there is no fee. Initial consultations are always free, as well.  Call us at (312) 346-5320 if you would like our help or fill out the contact form to the right.  We help with these cases throughout Illinois and have established a state wide network of aggressive, experienced attorneys who can help you.