Alternate energy companies have provided consumers an additional resource to be able to purchase gas and electric services to allow for choices opposed to only having the use of their local utility company to provide services. Such companies as North American Power & Gas, have used direct to consumer marketing to describe how their rates are lower.

In these marketing materials, consumers were promised a low “New Customer Rate” as well as a “market based variable rate.” The problem ensues when alternate energy companies do not always follow their own promises. One woman in particular was promised a new customer rate that was never applied to her account, and her monthly usage rate was much higher than the local utility company was. Again, a marketing practice that has been deemed false and deceptive.

According The United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, claims against alternate energy suppliers can be filed in their local courts. In a recent decision, claims such as these no longer require that the Illinois Commerce Commission has exclusive jurisdiction over the legal claim. The consumers are able to file a lawsuit to recover damages in their local county courthouse.

If you have used one of the varying alternate energy companies in Illinois, and were a victim to false or deceptive advertising, please contact us. We will put you in direct contact with a local attorney who will review your case details and help you resolve your case with the gas company or electric company. These cases are all handled on a contingency basis which means that the lawyer only gets paid if they win the case. We are happy to talk to you for free to see if you have a case. We are looking for customers of any company other than Com Ed or People’s Gas. If you would like a free consultation, call us any time at (312) 346-5320.