Zinbryta (daclizumab) is a medication used to treat adults with relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis (MS). Multiple sclerosis is a neurological disease that scars nerve tissue and causes a range of symptoms, including pain, vision loss, impaired coordination and paralysis. MS affects more than 2.3 million people worldwide.
Zinbryta is not a cure for MS, but helps prevent the immune system from attacking the nerves in the brain and spinal cord. Doctors generally prescribe Zinbryta to patients who have tried two or more other MS medications and not experienced positive results. It is injected under the skin, typically once a month.
Why was Zinbryta withdrawn?
Biogen and AbbVie, the makers of Zinbryta, announced a voluntary withdrawal of the drug from the market on March 2, 2018, and they halted clinical studies. The move was in response to the European Medicines Agency call for an “urgent review” of the drug after twelve cases of serious brain inflammation were reported. The inflammatory brain disorders experienced included encephalitis and/or meningoencephalitis.
The European Medicines Agency stated that, “Zinbryta may also be linked to severe immune reactions affecting several other organs.”
Complications in addition to encephalitis and meingoencephalitis include:
• Liver failure and other serious liver injuries
• Serious skin reactions including Stevens Johnson Syndrome and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis
Zinbryta was available in the European Union, Switzerland, Canada, Australia and the United States. Over 8,000 patients around the world have received Zinbryta according to the European Medicines Agency.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) stated that it was aware of the 12 reports of brain inflammation and is conducting its own review. The FDA acknowledged the “complex safety profile” of Zimbryta since its approval.
Legal Action
If you or a loved one was diagnosed with encephalitis, liver failure, Stevens Johnson Syndrome (SJS), Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (TEN) or another severe reaction/disorder after taking Zinbryta, please contact us immediately. You may have a legal claim. We will talk to you about an individual claim, not a class action lawsuit. Your individual claim will focus on what happened to you and will work to compensate you or your loved ones. Beware of attorneys that want you to be a part of a class action and do not give you individual attention. Call us at 800-517-1614 for a free consultation.