We have helped many people successfully bring lawsuits for a failure to diagnose cancer. It’s probably the most common case we’ve been a part of. If you’d like a free consultation, please call us at 312-346-5320.

Cancer is awful. That’s not some profound statement of course. It has touched everyone I know in some way.

Medical care is a critical aspect of our lives, and we trust healthcare professionals to provide the highest standard of care. However, there are times when medical treatment falls short or mistakes are made, leading to serious harm or even death.

When that happens, it’s worth pursuing whether or not you or a loved one

Most people are aware of the foster care system in Illinois. Foster care exists because the home life for certain children may be dangerous to their physical, mental and/or emotional well-being.

When children’s birth parents or legal guardians are not able to adequately care for them, or they are in danger, the children are removed